Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reason #10: Twexting

So the writers at Chick lit is not dead have one thing wrong. Chick lit is dead. OK, two things wrong. Chick lit is dead AND they've got the wrong idea about Twexting. According to their definition, Twexting is "a text about Twitter." They really couldn't be more wrong. Urban Dictionary has it wrong, too. According to ka_nizzle Twexting is "Using Twitter to text message back and forth to one person." Help me out here, but does that even make sense? How can you use Twitter to text message?

To clear this up, we've offered a new, correct definition of Twexting:

Main Entry:
transitive verb
: to send a text message from one cell phone to another while also sending a tweet to the same person.
intransitive verb
: to communicate by text messaging and tweeting simultaneously.

There. Now you have it. Before long it'll be up at Urban Dictionary and it's all thanks to MannDubinBlog. AND, now that you have it, fork over a million bucks, because somebody owes me a million bucks.

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